Reflections on the importance of the 6th French Scientific-cultural Journey

experience report of an extension project in the language course

  • Aldenice de Andrade Couto Universidade Federal do Amapá
Keywords: French Scientific-Cultural Journey, University Extension, Language Course, Reflections


This essay attempts to present an experience of the Portuguese-French Language Course of the Federal University of Amapá (UNIFAP) with the Community Extension and Actions Program (PROEAC) from the referred institution. This work brings the obtained experience with the external and internal community, which is aimed to promote to the participants a meeting which could promote and empower the sharing of experiences between professionals and students of the area, related areas and the community to discuss and reflect on the teaching-learning of the French Language, a space for discussions about the teaching and learning of a Foreign Language (FL), especially French. The result of this experience acquired an immense value and social compromise, extensionist and educational commitment, when provided to the community (internal and external) the inclusion and educational background on the discussion and reflection on teaching-learning of a foreign language, especially the French language. For this reason, it can be said that this experience is an extension action of high impact, transformation and social relevance because it can lead the participants to an experience of cultural exchange, because in extension activities, professionals have the opportunity to translate into the operative field the knowledge that universities have been producing.

How to Cite
COUTO, A. DE A. Reflections on the importance of the 6th French Scientific-cultural Journey: experience report of an extension project in the language course. EntreAções: dialogues in extension, v. 1, n. 2, p. 95-106, 3 Feb. 2021.