Social impact of student assistance

the case applied to UNIFESSPA

  • Haliny Lopes Moura Viana Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA)
  • Jéssica Silva Souza Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará (UNIFESSPA)
Keywords: federal university, public policies, student assistance


The objective of the research is to highlight the number of grants (projects and aid) granted and measure the social impact generated by its distribution within the Federal University of South and Southeast Pará (UNIFESSPA), focusing on the Institute of Applied Social Sciences (ICSA), from 2015 to 2018. The research is presented as quantitative, of an exploratory nature, with secondary data provided by the administration of that institution and the website of the UNIFESSPA portal. The results show that public policies for Higher Education in Brazil; The results obtained, in 2016 there was the largest increase in scholarship offerings with monetary value of R$ 400.00 (four hundred reais) each, with a positive increase of 134.21% compared to 2015, but in 2017 the amount of aid was reduced to R$ 300.00 and made available 22 scholarships less than the previous year. Thus, it reveals the need for greater attention from public authorities to this issue and a union between the institution and local society.

How to Cite
VIANA, H. L. M.; SOUZA, J. S. Social impact of student assistance: the case applied to UNIFESSPA. EntreAções: dialogues in extension, v. 3, n. 2, p. 61-76, 16 Mar. 2023.