//periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/issue/feed EntreAções: dialogues in extension 2024-09-18T15:17:08+00:00 Victoria Lopes Felix revistaentreacoes.proex@ufca.edu.br Open Journal Systems <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The UFCA Extension <strong>journal “EntreAções: dialogues in extension”</strong> is a periodical publication by the Federal University of Cariri’s (UFCA) Dean of Extension (Proex), and it aims to promote extension projects from Higher Education Institutions inside and outside the national territory, promoting interaction between the University and other sectors of society through publications in the most diverse areas of knowledge.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The journal "EntreAções: dialogues in extension” is a <strong>semiannual</strong> publication. Texts may be submitted by any moment (continuous flow) like articles, extension reports, and interviews.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Available now!</span></p> //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1274 Expedient 2024-09-13T18:45:45+00:00 Hemerson Soares da Silva hemersonhsn@hotmail.com <p>Expediente</p> 2024-09-09T19:17:37+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1275 University extension 2024-09-13T18:45:47+00:00 Victória Lopes Felix victoria.felix@ufca.edu.br Fabiana Aparecida Lazzarin fabiana.lazzarin@ufca.edu.br <p>The EntreAções: diálogos em Extensão magazine will publish its first issue in 2024, with the theme “University extension: approximation and social transformations”, composed of a set of manuscripts arranged between extension reports and articles. With a view to dialoguing and identifying actions that have taken place in schools and other communities, we present realities experienced and social impacts that have occurred. Highlighting the fifth guideline of University Extension “Impact and Social Transformation”, we bring a little of the contribution of extension to the (re)construction of society with access to information and the search for social transformation.</p> 2024-09-13T18:13:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1261 Awakening the Cosmos in Cariri Cearense 2024-09-18T15:17:08+00:00 Tharcísyo Sá e Sousa Duarte tharcisyo.duarte@ufca.edu.br Claudio do Nascimento Souza claudio.souza@aluno.ufca.edu.br Carlos Eduardo de Lima Silva eduardo.de@aluno.ufca.edu.br Gilson Francisco de Oliveira Junior gilson.francisco@ufca.edu.br <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the Planetarium Kariri's activities, an extension project by professors from the Institute of Teacher Education at the Federal University of Cariri (IFE/UFCA) in partnership with CNPq, during the first semester of 2024. Utilizing a mobile planetarium with "Fulldome" technology, the project provided immersive and interactive astronomy experiences to public schools in the Cariri region of Ceará, promoting scientific outreach and informal education. The analysis, based on a quantitative-qualitative methodology, included data on geographic reach, participant numbers, and perceptions of the activities. Preliminary results showed significant outreach, with over 2,000 km traveled and more than 3,500 students directly impacted. The sessions, covering topics such as the Solar System and the origin of the universe, were well-received, indicating increased interest in science and astronomy in the region. Partnerships with schools and programs like UFCA Itinerante were crucial in expanding the project's impact. Preliminary data analysis, including surveys and interviews, revealed that Planetarium Kariri helped develop skills such as curiosity, critical thinking, and teamwork among participants, as well as fostering the formation of more informed and engaged citizens on scientific and social issues. Thus, the project proved to be an effective tool for popularizing science and strengthening education in the communities served, demonstrating it is on track to achieve its goals and contribute to a more just and equitable society.</span></p> 2024-09-13T18:01:36+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1191 The teaching of algebra in the early years of fundamental education for algebraic thinking 2024-09-13T18:45:54+00:00 Giovana Pereira Sander giovanapsander@gmail.com Wander Dutra Alves de Carvalho wander.2138274@discente.uemg.br <p>This article presents a work developed within the scope of extension that aimed to promote collective study actions, planning and evaluation of activities aimed at developing algebraic thinking in elementary school students, early years. The action, in the form of a course, was carried out in partnership with the Passos Regional Education Superintendency (SER/Passos). Nine elementary school teachers, initial years, from the Minas Gerais state network and three SER/Passos employees participated in the course. The course took place in person, with weekly two-hour training meetings, totaling 20 hours. The training was given by a teacher from the Pedagogy course with the collaboration of two students, one from the Degree in Mathematics and one from the Pedagogy course at the State University of Minas Gerais, Passos unit. The course emphasized theoretical studies on Algebra and algebraic thinking in the early years of Elementary School, as well as planning algebraic tasks. Finally, an arm scale was built, as a product of the extension project, which served as a teaching resource for working with the meaning of the equals sign, based on algebraic thinking.</p> 2024-09-13T18:18:54+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1205 Recreating Cidadania 2024-09-13T18:45:59+00:00 Júlia Aparecida de Oliveira Campos julia.1493313@discente.uemg.br Paulo Enderson Oliveira Teixeira paulo.teixeira@uemg.br Milena Gabrielle Barroso 1493302@discente.uemg.br <p>The "Law, Cinema and Citizenship in Schools" project adopts a playful approach to stimulate ethical and legal reflections among law students, teachers and high school students. Through the fusion of cinema, debates and round tables, the project aims to promote critical thinking, empathy and social understanding. Using planned stages, film screenings and interactions with teachers, the project involves high schools in debates on contemporary themes, such as ethics, justice and equality. This allows you to explore these themes in a unique way, enriching the educational experience. The impacts of the action are reflected in the formation of conscious and engaged citizens, with critical reflections on diversity, gender and ethnic-racial relations. Teachers improve their pedagogical approaches, benefiting the educational environment with more reflection and inclusion. Furthermore, the project strengthens the training of law students by applying theory to real situations, highlighting the importance of a critical and socially responsible approach. This prepares them for more conscious and inclusive actions. In short, the project reinforces the importance of reflective and engaged education, aligned with UN sustainable development goals, promoting awareness and positive change. The intersection between art, education and law demonstrates significant educational potential, enriching both students and the benefiting community.</p> 2024-09-13T18:22:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1197 Maria da Penha nas Escolas 2024-09-13T18:46:04+00:00 Fernanda Andrade Almeida faalmeida@id.uff.br Laura Ligia Lara Vieira laural@id.uff.br Lais Naomi Sardelli Samezima naomi_lais@id.uff.br Júlia Vasques Ribeiro jvasques@id.uff.br Ludmila Dias Passos ludmilapassos@id.uff.br Emelly Pereira Riker emellyriker@id.uff.br <p>Maria da Penha nas Escolas is a Popular Legal Education project that targets students in the 8th and 9th year of elementary school in municipal schools in the city of Macaé, Rio de Janeiro. The extension action objective is to develop activities that raise awareness of domestic violence and the Maria da Penha Law in Macaé municipal schools. It starts from the idea that information is an important tool for access to justice and guaranteeing rights. In the specific case of gender issues, it is understood that the dissemination of this knowledge is fundamental for advancing the fight for equal rights, as well as for reducing domestic violence and increasing the presence of women in spaces of power and decision-making. &nbsp;The project is in partnership with the Secretaria Municipal de Políticas para as Mulheres de Macaé, through the Centro Especializado de Atendimento à Mulher Pérola Bichara Benjamim (CEAM) de Macaé – and the Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Macaé (SEMED). The project is linked to the Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão em Direito das Mulheres (NUPEDIM) at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF).</p> 2024-09-13T18:24:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1213 Fermenting the inclusion 2024-09-13T18:46:11+00:00 Nathalia Cristina Barbosa Nogueira nathalia.nogueira@ufvjm.edu.br Aline Moreira cunha Monteiro alinemoreiracunha@hotmail.com Daniele Sabrina de Fátima daniele.fatima@ufvjm.edu.br Suedali Villas Bôas Coelho Barata suedali@ufvjm.edu.br Leida Calegário de Oliveira leida@ufvjm.edu.br Ana Paula de Figueiredo Conte Vanzela apvanzela@ufvjm.edu.br <p>Female voices, confined to the domestic space, were victimized and silenced, with dreams and perspectives often curtailed. To subvert this logic, FermentAção wanted to listen, instrumentalize and produce consciousness, power and autonomy from the spaces experienced as limiting. The proposal, created with the community of Ocupação Vitória, Diamantina-MG, brought together women to reflect, develop the motivating guideline and define what learning and practices would be incorporated. The action was developed in the community kitchen, a resistance space that serves free meals from donations. Throughout the project, women went through moments of reflection about being a woman, to freely talk about their life experiences and dreams. Some defined what they wanted to learn and market. After workshops on yogurt, jams and hygiene - they created FermentAção Vitória as a space for the production of artisanal pizzas, in order to generate income and to increase family access to products. Pizzas were produced and tried by the local community. The menu was created with flavors defined by the group, as well as its logo. University students worked with awareness-raising reflections on being a woman, using biotechnology as ancient human knowledge, and combining academia with traditional cuisine, producing social and personal health, in a reality based-training based. The leadership plans a party with space for a pizza stand, as a means of publicizing community actions, raising income and improving acceptance. Faced with so many exclusion processes, the group faces the need for consistent acceptance to be able to market its product.</p> 2024-09-13T18:29:08+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1212 Mayo amarillo 2024-09-13T18:46:18+00:00 Nami Ikehara Dezotti brunafranchito@hotmail.com Bruna Franchito Freire brunafranchito@hotmail.com Julia Beatriz Aliscantes Silva Brito juliabasbrito@gmail.com Juliana de Toledo Piza Soares julianatpsoares@gmail.com Paloma Maria Ribeiro Lescura França palomalescura@gmail.com Guilherme Gomes de Almeida Lacerda gga.lacerda@gmail.com Joaquim Simões Neto gga.lacerda@gmail.com <p>Traffic accidents are considered a public health issue in Brazil, with approximately 45000 annual deaths. Most of these tragedies result from inappropriate behaviors, such as speeding. In 2014, the Yellow May campaign was created to promote road safety, and the "Trauma Prevention" project joined forces with EMDEC (Municipal Development Company of Campinas) to support this cause in Campinas. The actions aimed to raise awareness among the population regarding traffic accidents, with the purpose of promoting the safety of drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists, and pedestrians.</p> 2024-09-13T18:34:32+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension //periodicos.ufca.edu.br/ojs/index.php/entreacoes/article/view/1218 United by water 2024-09-13T18:46:23+00:00 Vanessa Souto Paulo vspaulo@gfe.ufsb.edu.br Prudence Secchin de Sousa Vaz Sampaio Ribeiro prudencesecchin@gfe.ufsb.edu.br Vanner Boere Souza boerevanner@gmail.com Ita de Oliveira e Silva itaoliveiraesilva@gmail.com <p>Gogó da Ema is a neighborhood in the municipality of Itabuna located in an area at high risk of flooding due to floods from the Cachoeira River. In 2021, with heavy summer rains, dozens of families were left homeless as the river's water levels rose. The precarious infrastructure and the direct emission of sewage into the Icó River corroborate the occurrence of problems in the sanitary, environmental and health spheres, confirming the high rates of hospitalizations and infant mortality due to pathologies related to inadequate sanitation in Itabuna. The project comes with a modern and bold proposal through the One Health concept, based on the complex interactions between man, animal and environment, considering that environmental disasters, such as floods, cause important impacts on human and animal health, increasing the incidence of infectious diseases and parasitic diseases, as well as psychosocial imbalances. The project began with a multidisciplinary extension course in ATHIS and Right to the City, in which professionals such as architects, engineers, social workers, teachers and graduate students participated, trained to carry out surveys and diagnoses of the effects of floods, preparing the population for future events. Teams were formed according to thematic axes, beginning the research phase and implementing actions, which will be monitored in monthly meetings and periodic visits.</p> 2024-09-13T18:37:33+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EntreAções: dialogues in extension