Curricularization of Extension

conception of university in dispute

  • Olgamir Amência Ferreira de Paiva Universidade de Brasília (UnB)
Keywords: Extension curriculum, University Extension, University


Extension curriculum is the process of inserting extension into the curriculum, resulting from a historical dispute between different conceptions of higher education. Therefore, popular knowledge and other forms of knowledge developed by society, or even their demands, were not even considered in this extensionist perspective. The university was structured enshrined in its feud, recognized almost as an Olympus, separated from human needs, from the demands present in everyday social life.

Author Biography

Olgamir Amência Ferreira de Paiva, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Vice presidenta do Fórum de Pró-Reitorias de Extensão (FORPROEX) e Coordenadora do Colégio de Pró-Reitores de Extensão (COEX/Andifes). 

How to Cite
PAIVA, O. A. F. DE. Curricularization of Extension: conception of university in dispute. EntreAções: dialogues in extension, v. 4, n. 1, p. 18-30, 26 Oct. 2023.