• Marcio Luiz Miotto Universidade Federal Fluminense


ABSTRACT: This article aims to analyze the relation between madness and work (oeuvre) in the “young Foucault”, focusing on the Foucault’s lessons of Anthropology taken in Lille and at the ENS between 1952 (or 1951) and 1955, under the title La Question Anthropologique. In order to place this problem, the text begins with an initial contextualization of Foucault’s unpublished works, only made available since 2013 at Bibliothèque Nationale de France. Then the article passes to the question of the madness and work according to some commentators (especially Jean-Baptiste Vuillerod) and finds in the figure of Karl Jaspers an important author, whose reference serves for Foucault to compose his own positions. Jaspers, psychiatrist, and philosopher, contains theses on madness, work and civilization directly linked to the interests of the young Foucault. Both Jaspers’ reading of Nietzsche and considerations about madness and work will be important for the young Foucault, as it is through Jaspers (among others) that
the psychological and existential positions on madness and work leads Foucault to the analysis of figures like Maurice Blanchot, to his own reading of Nietzsche and to the problem of a history of madness.

Author Biography

Marcio Luiz Miotto, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Possui licenciatura e formação em Psicologia (UFPR), Especialização em Psicologia do Trabalho (UFPR), Mestrado em Filosofia Moderna e Contemporânea pela UFPR (Dissertação finalista do prêmio Anpof 2005) e Doutorado em Filosofia e Metodologia das Ciências pela UFSCAR (tese finalista do Prêmio Capes 2011). Professor Adjunto de Fundamentos Filosóficos da Psicologia (UFF-RPS)


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