The young reader Augustine in book III of the Confessions

  • Daniel Fujisaka Universidade de São Paulo
Keywords: Confessions, Augustine, Phantasia, Representations, Soliloquies


This paper intends to explore Augustine’s narrative of his adherence to Gnostic-Manichean thought, book III of his Confessions, as a fallacious moment of the spirit-adeviceofdeceptivelinguisticsimulacrum.BookIIIoftheConfessionsofAugustine of Hippo can be read as the philosopher’s analysis of his own conditions of assent to literary representations as a way of access to truth or falsity insofar as it problematizes the Gnostic-Manichean way once taken as a matter of readings (cf. Conf. III, 4, 7 to III, 5, 10). The young reader denounces his supposed knowledge (gnosis), an assumption that had led him to the procedure of taking phantasia as a hypostatized reference of truth-meaning. He presumes that he is shrewd enough to imagine and name realities about bodies, which would be more real than true images of bodies (phantasmata). This procedure would instead lead to imagine “false bodies” - germ of a dangerous nomination that even claims to indicate infinity by the word. Finally, a passage in the Soliloquies II will be especially illuminating for understanding how Augustine seems to point to the disposition of the spirit behind supposition and signification - beyond mere “false and misleading sentences” (cf. Soliloquies II, xv, 29). The manichean’s acumen (acies) makes him the subject of a seductive presumption: arrogating to himself to be able to name what is beyond the possibility of any representation or objectification. Reading, however, will not be ruled out as a way of exhorting the spirit to the truth, on the contrary, it hypothesizes that another disposition must replace the presumption of knowing something of the essence of the text.

Author Biography

Daniel Fujisaka, Universidade de São Paulo

Doutor em filosofia pela USP- Universidade de São Paulo (2019); mestre em filosofia pela USP (2014, conceito CAPES 7), bacharel em filosofia pela USP (2011); mestre em teologia pelo STSC - (2005); Bacharel em administração de empresas pela FAAP - Faculdade Armando Alvares Penteado (2001). Tem experiência em docência no ensino superior nas áreas de teologia e filosofia.


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How to Cite
Fujisaka, D. (2021). The young reader Augustine in book III of the Confessions. ARARIPE — REVISTA DE FILOSOFIA - , 2(1), 44-59.