A temática ambiental no Instituto Federal do Maranhão (IFMA): Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão
Environmental education is a tool for raising awareness and training individuals and communities, which can be used in formal and informal education. Considering that one of the missions of the Instituto Federal do Maranhão (IFMA) is to promote professional, scientific and technological education through the integration of teaching, research and extension, with a focus on citizen education and sustainable socioeconomic development, strengthening environmental education projects is necessary. In schools, environmental education contributes to the education of conscious citizens, capable of making decisions and acting in the socio-environmental reality. The objective of this research was to analyze how IFMA, Bacabal campus, through the actions of teachers and students, includes environmental education based on teaching, research and extension projects. The methodology used was a bibliographic survey and documentary research with the sectors responsible for each project category. It was found that remote teaching during the Covid-19 pandemic mainly impacted research projects and that there is a progressive increase in teaching and extension projects. However, the coordination of these projects is developed, mostly, by teachers of the Geography discipline, alerting to a need for greater integration between disciplines, so that environmental education actually happens, in a transversal and interdisciplinary way.
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