Um A case study on the applicability of short-term videos in social media as a way of information

  • português Universidad Nacional de Rosário
  • Portuguese portuguese
Keywords: Digital technologies, COVID-19, COVID-19 pandemic, New coronavirus


The present work aims to analyze the applicability of videos of very short duration published on official social media or not, from the municipality of Entre Rios in the state of Bahia, during the period from April 20 to May 20, 2020, which intend to inform the local society on the ways of prevention and care to be adopted in order to avoid contagion and dissemination of COVID-19 in the municipal sphere. Taking as a starting point a historical analysis of society in the context of Pandemic, followed by the collection and analysis of data produced, presented and posted in the form of videos on social media in order to assist in the dissemination of information aimed at contributing to the reduction of the rate contagion of the disease that represents a threat on a global scale. The adopted methodology obeys the criteria of the dialectic, with the development of the research in a perspective of the participant and unsystematic observation since it happens without previous planning and without any type of control and by sampling, which allowed a more reliable analysis of the reality found.

Author Biographies

português, Universidad Nacional de Rosário

Doutoranda em Artes e Humanidades com Menção em Ciências da Educação na Universidade Nacional de Rosário (Argentina). Mestra em Ciências da Educação pela Universidad Autónoma del Sur (Paraguai). Coordenadora no Programa de Inovação Tecnológica Educação Conectada na Prefeitura Municipal de Entre Rios.


Portuguese, portuguese

Doutora em Educação pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Professora Adjunto do Instituto de Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal da Bahia.



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How to Cite
AMARAL, A. R. A. DO; PORTUGUESE, P. Um A case study on the applicability of short-term videos in social media as a way of information. Folha de Rosto, v. 6, n. 2, p. 22-31, 24 Aug. 2020.