Lives of faith
the boundaries between the church and virtual communication in times of social isolation
Religion and society have been an increasingly latent discussion in educational institutions, especially since religion is part of the cultural system that characterizes subjects and demarcates significantly particular aspects of their identities, which sometimes conflict in social interactions due to ascetic behavior
prevalent in many evangelical doctrines. In view of the relationships established between the faithful, that the Word determines their actions in the world, and the need to maintain social isolation, highly questioned by some religious congregations and considering that the contact of these faithful with the mass
media, has always been in conflict. , the objective of the work in question was to analyze from the social networks, how the faithful have been positioning, with a view to the participation of cults in the virtual environment and the interaction with matters of faith, considering this to be a worldly visibility space. Methodologically, it is a qualitative social research that had social networks as its research field. The
survey pointed out that despite the large percentage of Brazilians who claim to be evangelical believers, the offer of services and interaction on the networks is still very small, which still demonstrates some resistance from the leaders, although for the faithful this is a possibility.
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