A Indexing politic the digital collection of images from Braziliam Library Guita and José Mindlin
It presents an analysis of the indexing of the digital collection of images (sample group) of the Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin Library (BBM), which has 578 images indexed through the Controlled Vocabulary of USP. The general objective is to study some of the theories of image indexing and compare them with the practice carried out in the representation of images. The work is carried out through bibliographical, descriptive and exploratory research, since it aims to observe the way of indexing the aforementioned collection, relating it to the theory studied by some authors in the field of Information Science. The results indicate that indexing promotes adequate representation and images, as the collection is small and, even though the USP Controlled Vocabulary does not have specific terms in the field of imagery indexing, there are other fields that manage to fill these gaps. It is considered that information and descriptive fields could be added to the vast majority of documents, adding specific terms about the imagery works and that the Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin Library could use some specialized documentary language for the collection, for greater specification of the indexing terms of the images.
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