Elaboration of the frevo thesaurus

musical manifestations

  • André Anderson Cavalcante Felipe Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
  • Marcílio Bezerra Cruz
Keywords: Frevo, Frevo thesaurus, Paço do Frevo


The objective of this article is to present the proposal of a thesaurus of frevo with emphasis on the theme "music", indicating its categories, terms, concepts and other specificities, based on the collection of the Maestro Guerra-Peixe Documentation and Memory Center, located in Paço from Frevo. Specifically, it intends to guarantee that the thesaurus has a public exposure, making use of the Thesa platform, as well as ensuring that the enunciative/linguistic structuring of the thesaurus is conniving to the educational aspect, adopting the concepts of Text Linguistics. Methodologically, the study distinguishes itself as an exploratory bibliographic-documentary study. The proposed steps were: a) selection and choice of bibliographic resources for the development of the thesaurus; b) survey of terms and assignment of concepts; c) categorization e structuring the descriptors of the frevo thesaurus; and d) use of software for the construction of the thesaurus. The results indicate that the study has two scientific developments, one specifically aimed at improving the information organization process in the Guerra-Peixe library, with emphasis on thematic representation actions, with emphasis on the conceptual translation of terms from natural language to artificial language. ; another with a focus on making the frevo thesaurus available beyond the Paço do Frevo, as a didactic or educational resource that presents the complexity of frevo as music, and in addition, corroborates the dissemination and dissemination of this intangible heritage, so expensive and precious for the Pernambucanos.

Author Biography

André Anderson Cavalcante Felipe, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

Doutor em Estudos da Linguagem - UFRN

Mestre em Ciência da Informação - UFPB

Bacharel em biblioteconomia - UFC


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How to Cite
FELIPE, A. A. C.; CRUZ, M. B. Elaboration of the frevo thesaurus: musical manifestations. Folha de Rosto, v. 8, n. 3, p. 9-33, 9 Mar. 2023.