The common, the mediation of information and social protagonism
interdependencies for a world of preservation, equality and fraternity
It analyses the importance of the discussion about the common for the approaches of mediation of information, considered a central foundation of the specialties in the field of Information Science for the fulfillment of the social responsibility of contributing to the development of social protagonism. This is a bibliographic study with a qualitative analysis of the literature that addresses the perspective of the common, especially the approaches by Dardot and Laval, and the approaches to mediation of information and its dimensions, especially by Almeida Junior and Gomes. As a result, it was observed that the consideration of the common is central to the reach the of the dimensions of mediation that, guide by the exercise of emancipatory praxis, tends to enhance the development of social protagonism, which will imply the advancement of conscious mediation of information.
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