• Cícera Alves Agostinho de Sá Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Ceará


Changes in teaching and learning processes are on the agenda of studies and research carried out in the field of education in recent decades. In the current context, several aspects have become an object of investigation, due to the complexity of these changes. In this scenario, the assessment of learning presents itself as a recurrent object of study, due to the complexity related to the assessment of learning at different levels of education. From this perspective, the present study aims to analyze the contributions of formative assessment to active learning in higher education. For this work, the contributions of authors and researchers such as Miltre (2008) and Roldão (2013) guide the formative assessment approach; Santos (2005) and Pimentel (1999) for the treatment of active methodologies; and Bollela et al (2014), in addition to Araújo and Mazur (2014) guide the discussion about the contribution of methodologies to active learning. For this research, we adopted the explanatory method, as we collected data from a representation of undergraduates from the Pedagogy Course, from the National Plan for Training Teachers of Basic Education (PARFOR), from an institution in the Cariri region, on the use of active methods assessment, and may incur active learning. The results indicate that these methods are being partially used by the professors who work in the undergraduate PARFOR, so that the formative assessment, which has the higher education student at the center of the process, has been implemented by the professors.

Author Biography

Cícera Alves Agostinho de Sá, Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Ceará

Doutora em Letras do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte; Mestra em Letras do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Docente da Secretaria de Educação do Estado do Ceará e da Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Milagres - CE.

How to Cite
Alves Agostinho de Sá, C. (2023). CONTRIBUTIONS OF FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT TO ACTIVE LEARNING IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Ciência E Sustentabilidade, 7(01), 154-181.