Mediation within the Organization of Information
proposal of an action program for the Library System of the Federal University of Ceará
This dissertation discusses perspectives of application of technical mediation in the scope of Information Organization, under a plural and integrative perception of these fields of research, in the ambience of the university library. In this understanding, the general objective of this study is to investigate the perspectives of the application of technical mediation in the scope of Information Organization aiming at the construction of an action program for the Library System of the Federal University of Ceará. While the specific objectives are: to address the relationship between mediation and Information Organization in the field of technical mediation; to discuss possibilities for the application of technical mediation in the Library System of the Federal University of Ceará; identify the possible aspects that characterize the technical mediation of information in the aforementioned system; to propose a technical mediation program within the scope of Information Organization for the referred system. The theoretical-methodological foundation is based on the bibliographical and documentary review about the conceptions of mediation in the scope of Information Organization, debated to analyze the available facts in the literature, as well as to discuss its applicability in the cataloging processes; classification; indexing; library signaling; collection development policy; services; products; memory preservation; use of virtual resources. As for the objectives, this is exploratory descriptive research. As for the technical procedures, it is characterized by a bibliographical, documentary, participant review. It is used as a data collection technique, the triangulation methods (questionnaires with 33 librarians, 363 users, semi-structured interview with the director of the Library System and 3 directors of sectoral libraries, direct observation), as well as the analysis as qualitative data analysis technique. As one of the results presents: the Program of Technical Mediation of Information. It is concluded that the Program brings together a network of actions based on the mediation in the scope of Information Organization. Thus, it is expected that university libraries will appropriate this material to: demonstrate the Information Organization as a practice of technical mediation under the multiple possibilities dimension, so that their actions are seen as human and social, carried out for and with the user; to propagate among the professionals of the area the mediational character of the sectors that involve the Information Organization in the university library.
ARAÚJO, Ana Rafaela Sales de. Mediação no âmbito da Organização da Informação: proposta de um programa de atuação para o Sistema de Bibliotecas da Universidade Federal do Ceará. Orientação: Jonathas Luiz Carvalho Silva. 2018. 218 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Biblioteconomia) – Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biblioteconomia, Universidade Federal do Cariri, Juazeiro do Norte-CE, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jan. 2022.
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