Scientific production and collaboration of postgraduate professors in Librarianship and Information Science in the Northeast Region from 2013 to 2017

  • Ana Karolyne Nogueira de Sousa Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Ceará (IFCE)
Keywords: scientific production, Bibliometrics, analysis of social networks


Considering science in a cumulative perspective of productions and social in the relations of coauthors, this research proposes, in a general way, to analyze the production indicators and scientific collaboration of the professors of the seven stricto sensu post-graduate programs of the Northeast Region in Librarianship and Information Science, from the period of 2013 to 2017, using methods as bibliometrics and social network analysis. It seeks to collaborate with the understanding, recognizing the characteristics and the evolution of the area, identifying the specificities and the standards, with the objective of promoting discussions, contributions and reflections on the productions of the area. It is a case study, exploratory, analytical and descriptive, data collection, whose method is quanti qualitative, since these are metric studies with quantitative results of production and qualitative referring to analysis and interpretation of results. Its outline is characterized by being bibliographic. It decomposes the research into two perspectives, the first one focusing on analysis in the productions with bibliometric indicators, the second, the analysis of the network of co-authories. Through the results, it was evidenced that the majority of the teachers are considerably productive and collaborative and was verified satisfactory aspects, as well as some of the limitations and demands on the productions. In the end, was considered the importance of the study and the results on the production of postgraduate professors in Librarianship and Information Science, as well as the product.


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How to Cite
SOUSA, A. K. N. DE. Scientific production and collaboration of postgraduate professors in Librarianship and Information Science in the Northeast Region from 2013 to 2017. Folha de Rosto, v. 8, n. 2, p. 342-343, 16 Sep. 2022.
Resumos de Dissertação