(Cri)ation of the Research Group Núcleo de Estudos em Mediação, Apropriação, Gestão da Informação e do Conhecimento (NEMAGI) at the Federal University of Sergipe
Research groups are constituted as aggregating spaces of individuals that develop common research, with varied actions, and that contribute to the development of science. Such groups provide opportunities for scientific development and the exchange of ideals that strengthen the scientific relationships that constitute their core business. To deal with this theme, this article aims to present NEMAGI and its performance in Information Science during the five years of the group's existence. As methodological procedures, a descriptive research with a qualitative approach was adopted, with consultation to authors who deal with research groups, particularly in the area of Information Science, besides the detailed presentation of NEMAGI's characteristics and actions. Among the observed actions are orientations and defenses of final papers in Undergraduate and Post-graduate studies, publications and scientific communications, national and international partnerships, and events, among other actions provided by the group. It is understood that there has been an expansion of research groups in Brazil, motivated by the growth of post-graduation studies and that NEMAGI was created in this context, developing actions and creating partnerships aimed at its growth and consolidation.
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