The Book Club of Ribeirão das Neves as an instrument to mediate shared readings and community belonging
It presents the experience of the Clube do Livro de Ribeirão das Neves with the promotion of shared readings. Clube do Livro is located in the municipality of Ribeirão das Neves, Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte, in Minas Gerais. The Club's initiative comes from the community itself, which sees it as a space for socializing literary readings and appropriating public space. Thus, the objective of this work was to investigate the Clube do Livro de Ribeirão das Neves in order to ascertain its structure, history and performance with the community. As specific objectives we list: knowing the Clube do Livro de Neves, understanding the structure of the meetings, identifying the themes addressed, verifying the actions of encouragement and mediation of reading in the group. As a qualitative research, we adopted participant observation and semi-structured interviews as data collection techniques in two moments: in 2019 and in 2021 with the context of the pandemic. With the completion of the survey, we highlighted the importance of the Club for the community and the fundamental role of mediating shared readings for the group's involvement and sense of belonging.
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