Woven in golden threads

  • Fabiana Lazzarin
  • Ricardo Aladim Monteiro
Keywords: Editorial, Extension, University


The journal "EntreAções: dialogues in extension" publishes its first edition, being delicately woven in golden threads for several years by the Dean of Extension of the Federal University of Cariri so that the rich imagery of winding and spinning in a continuous process of twisting and extension would lead to the design of articles, experience reports, and interviews that would gain the amazing outline of this journal in the University Extension area. This edition opens with an interview by the librarian Suely Clemente about the persistent digital identifier for authors “ORCID”, on the cover features a photo of Constance Pinheiro, in his series “Paus”, Barbalha-CE, 2018.

How to Cite
LAZZARIN, F.; ALADIM MONTEIRO, R. Woven in golden threads. EntreAções: dialogues in extension, v. 1, n. 1, p. 2-6, 15 Jul. 2020.