The teaching of parasitology under the light of remote education

an extension report

  • Milena Maria Girão Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)
  • Tatiane Ribeiro de Morais Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)
  • Elisberto Nogueira de Souza Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)
  • Maria do Socorro Vieira Gadelha Universidade Federal do Cariri (UFCA)
Keywords: Parasitology, ENEM, Remote learning


The comprehension of parasite-hostage relations, as of parasitosis' transimition mechanisms, is essential to the control of diseases and interventions in public health, once we consider the important role these affections have in the health-disease process to the popuplation. In similar manner, diseases caused by parasites are, too, broadly addressed on the High School National Exam (ENEM). This experience report aims to analyze the relevance of parasitology teaching for high schoolers of public school and the level of satisfaction and contribution of the project "The way to ENEM: UFCA on school" referring to educational and personal areas of the students. During the project activities, it was used Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Meet, which were given classes about fifteen parasitosis. Tools such as Kahoot, mentoring and sharing courseware to the students were used. Adding to that, with the purpouse of avaliating the relevance of the addressed subject, it was applied a Google Forms form. The data survey shows results of 42 answers, in which 100% of participants considered the addressed subjects as important, 64,3% didn't have previous knowledge of the subject, 95,2% of the students considered the themes as good and 100% of the students considered relevant the positive influence on their personal and educational lifes in which these actions could provide individually. Therefore, it is feasible to measure the efficiency of the actions in relation to the performance in exams and the positive repercussion in their personal lifes.

How to Cite
GIRÃO, M. M.; MORAIS, T. R. DE; SOUZA, E. N. DE; GADELHA , M. DO S. V. The teaching of parasitology under the light of remote education: an extension report. EntreAções: dialogues in extension, v. 2, n. 1, p. 67-75, 30 Jul. 2021.
Extension Reports - Itinerant UFCA

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