Humanizing teacher education

records of an extension project in the light of freirean thought

  • Evandro de Godoi Instituto Federal Farroupilha (IFFar)
Keywords: inseparability, teacher training, Paulo Freire


Carrying out a reflection on teacher training inspired by Freirean ideals of education, through records of the extension project “Building itineraries mediated by Paulo Freire's ideas: EEEF 29 de Outubro and IF Farroupilha” is the central theme of this text. The existence of a previous project that culminated in the need for this one, "Interlocutions with Paulo Freire", is exposed, denoting its procedural character, of continuity of the previous proposal, however, with a new context, of going beyond our academic space in search of elements and experiences that would provide greater dialogue and interlocutors. To this end, we made use of a partnership between the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology Farroupilha Campus Santo Augusto and the State School of Elementary Education 29 de Outubro. Subsequently, the three modules of the project are analyzed, which consisted of the historical analysis of the institutions, readings of works referring to Freire's thought and, finally, readings by Paulo Freire. Subsequently, paths to critical teacher training are pointed out, consistent with the conception we defend: the construction of training spaces that dialogue with the reality of pedagogical work. The inseparable relationship between research, teaching and extension present as public policies is worked, but, in addition, as a commitment to responsibility and ethics with the subjects of the  educative act, indicated through the initial and continuing training of project participants, who, by example from Freire's legacy, they learn by teaching and teach by learning, contextualizing, criticizing, surpassing themselves as education professionals, above all citizens subject to their histories.

How to Cite
GODOI, E. DE. Humanizing teacher education: records of an extension project in the light of freirean thought. EntreAções: dialogues in extension, v. 2, n. 2, p. 113-126, 21 Jan. 2022.